Friday, January 24, 2014

Fitness Log: 1/24/2014 No Equipment Workout

Another crazy Friday... another unmotivated Friday.  However, I sucked it up and gave this No-Equipment Workout from FitSugar a try.  Instead of doing 3 rounds of each circuit, I only did it once through, which proved to be sufficient.  Man, do I have some shaping up to do.

Let me just say - this circuit plan is outstanding.  I highly recommend this routine for those who are trying to jumpstart their workout plan and motivation.  Do as many as you can physically handle.  Embrace the sweat and challenge.

An extra bonus:
The lateral plank walk takes a little brain power - making this routine perfect for a morning workout.  I challenge you, for the first couple of reps, to pull this off without really having to think about what your feet and your arms are doing.  I am willing to bet you cross your feet...

Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Keep Moving!

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